Marienbad Churches

Since the beginnigs of its existence Marienbad is well known for the religious tolerance. Even though the town was established by Premonstrate monks, the comfort of spa visitors had the highest priority during all the times. Thanks to this, there are three different churches just in the territory of the spa centre today.

The Church of Virgin Mary Assumption

Catholic church built in unusual neobyzantine style as a representative center of local religious life. Visit charming interiors with special night-sky ceiling decoration and see some important persons of local history captured on paintings and sculptures. Read more information.

The Church of Saint Vladimir

Little orthodox church is a kind of a hidden gem. You can find fantastic artificial ikonostas inside, one of the most beautiful worldwide. It’s shaped as a typical Russian church and decorated with gold and cobalt. But there’s more to admire – the church is open for visitors daily! See more information.

The Christ Church

Romantic Anglican chaple built in neogothic style and looking as a typical english rural church is used as a gallery and concert hall these days. It was a favourite place of British King Edward VII. and it’s also a kind of couriosity, because Anglican Church never had any members in Czech lands. Read more information.

The Memorial to the burnt Jewish Synagogue

Pay a memory to lost inhabitants of Marienbad. The synagogue was located right on the Main Street but the story of the building was unfortunately very short – it was destroyed by Nazis before the Second World War. Today you can find there just a tiny memorial, but the place is still impressive. Read more information.


Photo by: Josef Pavlovic