Czech currency

Local currency – CZK, see Czech currency exchange rates online

Local Time – Timezone – CET (Central European Time) – GMT +1 hour, summer time from June till September

Electricity – 230 V/50 Hz, standard socket with safety pin

Drinking water – In Czech Republic there‘s drinking water from the taps, besides some exceptional cases where a notification warns is a must. Mineral water springs are usually drinking when the spring is captured and addapted to taste, but for sure check if there is a statement with words „Pitná voda“ (which means „drinking water“ in Czech).

Languages – official language is Czech although English German and Russian are the most often used foreign languages in Czech Republic generally. In Marienbad the staff in hotels and restaurants usually speaks German and Russian, English is better known among the younger generation, but the situation is fortunately getting better and better every year.

Habits & custom – when entering a Czech dwelling the residents change their shoes in the entrance hall and offer slippers to the guests as well. In many households it can be considered as misbehaviour to do not take outside shoes off. When meeting or welcoming the acquaintances are shaking hands. Close friends or family members usually kiss once on the cheek or both cheeks and hug slightly. When introducing strangers it is polite to shake hands. It is a custom to eat 3 times daily and the most is consumed usually in the lunch time between 12pm – 2 pm when soup, main course and sometimes also desserts are served. For supper warm meals are often served too generally between 6 pm – 9 pm. Read more about Czech customs here.

Important telephone numbers

  • Ambulance 155 Police 158 Fire 150
  • General emergency 112
  • Dialing code Czech Republic +420
  • Telephone numbers’ info 1188
  • Assistant services 1224
  • Airport Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) +420 353 360 611
  • Airport Prague +420 220 111 888
  • Czech Railways info +420 221 111 122
  • Tourists info centre: +420 354 622 474

Passport and Visa – Check out if you need Visa for visiting Czech Republic here. If you need it, see application requirements here.   

Safety & Security – the situation is similar to all the European neighbouring countries. Marienbad is a small town with a very low crime. But as everywhere it’s better to do not leave your baggage or personal things on attended while visiting touristic or public places. It is also recommended to do not leave valuables inside the parked car when the parking is not guarded.

Embassies and consulates – See the list of embassies and consulates located in Czech Republic.

Smoking – In Czech Republic smoking is prohibited in all roofed public areas such as restaurants, pubs, bars, but as well covered bus stops, shopping malls, closed sport fields, stations, cinemas, theatres etc.

General info about Czech Republic

See also: